Friday, July 21, 2023

NATO Article 5 overrides the US Constitution and Congress

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription

Rand Paul Tries to Reign In on NATO War Powers...

A Congress of the Globalists, to make WAR an automatic response.

If We The People want to survive, We'd better tear down this corrupt government, before it's too late.
Nearly 80 Russian submarines roam the oceans armed with hypersonic missiles. Even if they only fire conventional, they can destroy our entire infrastructure: Oil depots and power plants.
If it goes nuclear (the weak nation the US will fire first because we can't win a conventional war against Russia), we can kiss our butts goodbye, the whole world might end up destroyed.

First The People must change their tax withdraw by using minimal deductions. On April 15th (tax return time), 50 million armed Americans to converge on DC and Virginia arrest all IRS, CIA, FBI, agents and all members of Congress and Presdential cabinet. Restart fresh removing all unconstitutional laws and agencies. Place a term limit for the new members of Congress.

Yes, I'm calling for a Revolution before the crazies in DC get us all killed.

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