The Book of Enoch

There are a few versions of the Book of Enoch. For an educated idea of it's origin, click here: INTRODUCTION

What I think of it's origin: Enoch mostly wrote it for his son Methuselah. Noah was the grandson of Methuselah. And to note that Methuselah is the man that lived the longest, it's very likely that the book was passed to Noah, as Methuselah, through his father's work, knew of the upcoming destruction of mankind.

Enoch Chapter 81
1. Now, my son Mathusala, all these things I speak unto thee, and write for thee. To thee I have revealed all, and have given thee books of everything.
2. Preserve, my son Mathusala, the books written by thy father; that thou mayest transmit them to future generations.
3. Wisdom have I given to thee, to thy children, and thy posterity, that they may transmit to their children, for generations for ever, this wisdom in their thoughts ; and that those who comprehend it may not slumber, but hear with their ears ; that they may learn this wisdom, and be deemed worthy of eating this wholesome food.
4. Blessed are all the righteous ; blessed all who walk in the paths of righteousness; in whom no crime is found, as in sinners, when all their days are numbered.

Let's keep in mind what has been recorded in Scriptures: two (2) men who never experienced death; Elijah (850 BC); and Enoch (3,100 BC).
That being the case, Enoch was someone very special to the Creator.

This is my second reading of the Book of Enoch, while I post groups of chapters. Here is my advice. Some of those chapters are literally boring and make no sense to us of limited understanding. But, with time for some reason some of the things of God start to click.
Why would we understand what the creator has done or wil do? After all we are berely capable of making robots. But see, God didn't make us like robots. He made us self reasoning beings. Some would claim AI is the same! I beg to differ, I've learned a few programing languages in my days, and garbage IN is garbage OUT.

Is Enoch mentionned in the Bible?
Genesis 5:18 and 19; Genesis 5:21,22,23,24; Luke 3:37; Jude 1:14 and
Hebrew 11:5 "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God."

Also, Enoch's life is described in the Book of Jasher, Chapter 3

Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers are written with combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, each letter with a fixed integer value.

Other Books available on this website/Blog (links to the indexes listed below):
The Book of Jubilees and The Book of Jasher

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