Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Age of Grace about to End. You are saved, but...

The Age of Grace or the age when no animal sacrifices was needed, since our Lord and King Jesus Christ gave his blood for our redemption.
Man is still able to redeem his sins by asking God to be forgiven, by repentance in the name of the blood of his Son Jesus Christ.
While we are alive, by ending all sin and repenting of our past sins, we can be saved, gain eternal life and avoid eternity in the Lake of Fire.
The age of Grace is about to End. The birth of the Kingdom of God with our Lord and King Jesus Christ is about to begin, after the world is cleansed of sin and wickedness.

We are saved, but...

  • The Bible is a romanticized book 
  • the world is billions of years old 
  • it started with a Big Bang, and explosion 
  • the Earth was formed by accident 
  • we come from a soup, then fishes, then monkeys 
  • God didn't create two great lights 
  • there is one great light and a reflector of light 
  • science can help us live fo ever 
  • we trust science first 
  • we don't have to follow the laws of the Old Testament 
  • sin is relative, and Jesus will forgive regardless
  • there are more than two genders
  • a man can become a woman
  • a woman can become a man
  • men or women can be in both
  • spirits don't exist
  • getting readings of Tarot cards is not a sin
  • calling the dead is not a sin
  • our bodies are not perfect, science will improve them
  • curses are a myth
  • Giants are a myth
  • mythology is science fiction
  • there never was a 'global' flood
  • nephilim don't exist
  • all creatures have souls, even those from other planets
  • the world is not the center of the universe
  • a witch can be Christian
  • Satan does not exist
  • white lies are not a sin
  • sex before or without marriage is Ok and not a sin
  • America first
  • Idol worship is Ok
  • etc... 
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