Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Jasher, Chapter 90

Year 2494
1 At that time in the fifth year after the children of Yisrael had passed over Yardan (Jordan), after the children of Yisrael had rested from their war with the Canaanites, at that time great and severe battles arose between Edom and the children of Chittim, and the children of Chittim fought against Edom.
2 And Abianus king of Chittim went forth in that year, that is in the thirty-first year of his reign, and a great force with him of the mighty men of the children of Chittim, and he went to Seir to fight against the children of Esau.
3 And Hadad the king of Edom heard of his report, and he went forth to meet him with a heavy people and strong force, and engaged in battle with him in the field of Edom.
4 And the hand of Chittim prevailed over the children of Esau, and the children of Chittim slew of the children of Esau, two and twenty thousand men, and all the children of Esau fled from before them.
5 And the children of Chittim pursued them and they reached Hadad king of Edom, who was running before them and they caught him alive, and brought him to Abianus king of Chittim.
6 And Abianus ordered him to be slain, and Hadad king of Edom died in the forty-eighth year of his reign.
7 And the children of Chittim continued their pursuit of Edom, and they smote them with a great slaughter and Edom became subject to the children of Chittim.
8 And the children of Chittim ruled over Edom, and Edom became under the hand of the children of Chittim and became one kingdom from that day.
9 And from that time they could no more lift up their heads, and their kingdom became one with the children of Chittim.
10 And Abianus placed officers in Edom and all the children of Edom became subject and tributary to Abianus, and Abianus turned back to his own land, Chittim.
11 And when he returned he renewed his government and built for himself a spacious and fortified palace for a royal residence, and reigned securely over the children of Chittim and over Edom.
12 In those days, after the children of Yisrael had driven away all the Canaanites and the Amorites, Yohushua (Joshua) was old and advanced in years.
13 And YAHWEH said to Yohushua, You are old, advanced in life, and a great part of the land remains to be possessed.
14 Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and to the half tribe of Manasseh, and Yohushua rose up and did as YAHWEH had spoken to him.
15 And he divided the whole land to the tribes of Yisrael as an inheritance according to their divisions.
16 But to the tribe at Levi he gave no inheritance, the offerings of YAHWEH are their inheritance as YAHWEH had spoken of them by the hand of Mosheh.
17 And Yohushua gave Mount Hebron to Caleb the son of Jephuneh, one portion above his brethren, as YAHWEH had spoken through Mosheh.
18 Therefore Hebron became an inheritance to Caleb and his children unto this day.
19 And Yohushua divided the whole land by lots to all Yisrael for an inheritance, as YAHWEH had commanded him.
20 And the children of Yisrael gave cities to the Levites from their own inheritance, and suburbs for their cattle, and property, as YAHWEH had commanded Mosheh so did the children of Yisrael, and they divided the land by lot whether great or small.
21 And they went to inherit the land according to their boundaries, and the children of Yisrael gave to Yohushua the son of Nun an inheritance amongst them.
22 By the word of YAHWEH did they give to him the city which he required, Timnath-serach in Mount Ephraim, and he built the city and dwelt therein.
23 These are the inheritances which Elazer the priest and Yohushua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers of the tribes portioned out to the children of Yisrael by lot in Shiloh, before YAHWEH, at the door of the tabernacle, and they left off dividing the land.
24 And YAHWEH gave the land to the Yisraelites, and they possessed it as YAHWEH had spoken to them, and as YAHWEH had sworn to their ancestors.
25 And YAHWEH gave to the Yisraelites rest from all their enemies around them, and no man stood up against them, and YAHWEH delivered all their enemies into their hands, and not one thing failed of all the good which YAHWEH had spoken to the children of Yisrael, yea YAHWEH performed every thing.
26 And Yohushua called to all the children of Yisrael and he blessed them, and commanded them to serve YAHWEH, and he afterward sent them away, and they went each man to his city, and each man to his inheritance.
27 And the children of Yisrael served YAHWEH all the days of Yohushua, and YAHWEH gave them rest from all around them, and they dwelt securely in their cities.
Year 2500
28 And it came to pass in those days, that Abianus king of Chittim died, in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, that is the seventh year of his reign over Edom, and they buried him in his place which he had built for himself, and Latinus reigned in his stead fifty years.
29 And during his reign he brought forth an army, and he went and fought against the inhabitants of Britannia and Kernania, the children of Elisha son of Javan, and he prevailed over them and made them tributary.
30 He then heard that Edom had revolted from under the hand of Chittim, and Latinus went to them and smote them and subdued them, and placed them under the hand of the children of Chittim, and Edom became one kingdom with the children of Chittim all the days.
31 And for many years there was no king in Edom, and their government was with the children of Chittim and their king.

Year 2514 AM

32 And it was in the twenty-sixth year after the children of Yisrael had passed the Yardan, that is the sixty- sixth year after the children of Yisrael had departed from Egypt, that Yohushua was old, advanced in years, being one hundred and eight years old in those days.
33 And Yohushua called to all Yisrael, to their elders, their judges and officers, after YAHWEH had given to all the Yisraelites rest from all their enemies round about, and Yohushua said to the elders of Yisrael, and to their judges, Behold I am old, advanced in years, and you have seen what YAHWEH has done to all the nations whom he has driven away from before you, for it is YAHWEH who has fought for you.
34 Now therefore strengthen yourselves to keep and to do all the words of the law of Mosheh, not to deviate from it to the right or to the left, and not to come amongst those nations who are left in the land; neither shall you make mention of the name of their gods, but you shall cleave to YAHWEH your ALMIGHTY, as you have done to this day.
35 And Yohushua greatly exhorted the children of Yisrael to serve YAHWEH all their days.
36 And all the Yisraelites said, We will serve YAHWEH our ALMIGHTY all our days, we and our children, and our children's children, and our seed for ever.
37 And Yohushua made a covenant with the people on that day, and he sent away the children of Yisrael, and they went each man to his inheritance and to his city.
38 And it was in those days, when the children of Yisrael were dwelling securely in their cities, that they buried the coffins of the tribes of their ancestors, which they had brought up from Egypt, each man in the inheritance of his children, the twelve sons of Yacob (Jacob) did the children of Yisrael bury, each man in the possession of his children.
39 And these are the names of the cities wherein they buried the twelve sons of Yacob, whom the children of Yisrael had brought up from Egypt.
40 And they buried Reuben and Gad on this side Yardan, in Romia, which Mosheh had given to their children.
41 And Simeon and Levi they buried in the city Mauda, which he had given to the children of Simeon, and the suburb of the city was for the children of Levi.
42 And Yahudah they buried in the city of Benjamin opposite Bethlehem.
43 And the bones of Issachar and Zebulun they buried in Zidon, in the portion which fell to their children.
44 And Dan was buried in the city of his children in Eshtael, and Naphtali and Asher they buried in Kadesh-naphtali, each man in his place which he had given to his children.
45 And the bones of Yoseph they buried in Shechem, in the part of the field which Yacob had purchased from Hamor, and which became to Yoseph for an inheritance.
46 And they buried Benjamin in Jerusalem opposite the Jebusite, which was given to the children of Benjamin; the children of Yisrael buried their fathers each man in the city of his children.

Year 2516 AM (after Creation) - (approximatly 1500 B.C.)
47 And at the end of two years, Yohushua the son of Nun died, one hundred and ten years old, and the time which Yohushua judged Yisrael was twenty-eight years, and Yisrael served YAHWEH all the days of his life.
48 And the other affairs of Yohushua and his battles and his reproofs with which he reproved Yisrael, and all which he had commanded them, and the names of the cities which the children of Yisrael possessed in his days, behold they are written in the book of the words of Yohushua to the children of Yisrael, and in the book of the wars of YAHWEH, which Mosheh and Yohushua and the children of Yisrael had written.
49 And the children of Yisrael buried Yohushua in the border of his inheritance, in Timnath-serach, which was given to him in Mount Ephraim.
50 And Elazer the son of Aaron died in those days, and they buried him in a hill belonging to Phineas his son, which was given him in Mount Ephraim.

Place it in History: The Old World

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