Friday, August 3, 2018

Do official government documents confirm Flat Earth and the Firmament?

This message is for all Christians of the World.

If you have only read the New testament, it doesn't apply to you, as you do not know.

If you have read the Old testament:
  • You can only be a "Flat Earth" believer.
  • Or, you do not believe the accounts of the Old testament, dismissing it as Fables and untrue. May God forgive you.
  • You believe that science, and government, are irreproachable and are trusted above the word of God. Please stop the hypocrisy of church going and listening to indoctrination of a corrupt church.
If you have eyes and senses, pay attention to the world:
  • the sky
  • the sun and the moon
  • the moon phases
  • the moon's light temperature
  • the positions of the moon, the sun from your view point
  • feel the inexistent motion
  • see the travels of the two great lights according to seasons
  • see the position of the moon, it's phases, and the position to the sun
After all, many call science scientism (a cult).
After all, governments have always lied to people since the beginning of times.
After all, governments always end up being a tool of the megalomaniacs.
After all, people have always been gullible.
After all, rulers have always used people's foolishness to control them.

Before the 15th century, Rulers used people's superstitions to coral them into their wishes.
Today, they use technology to fool the masses and render God a phantasy. Encouraging decadence and immorality is their way to destroy what kept people together: family and empathy.

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