Sunday, July 29, 2018

Can Deep State Do To Trump As They Did To Kennedy?

POTUS's electors and support base are the most armed people on the face of this World.
Should the Deep State pull a Kennedy on President Trump, they, their families, their supporters, their handlers, would be hunted down and...
It would cause the most bloody Civil War the World would have ever seen. Hundreds of millions of enemies within would perish in weeks.

This is why folks, President Trump will not be dealt with as Kennedy was. Deep State would not be able to handle the repercussions.

Even if they succeeded (and I'm not sure they want to) in impeaching POTUS, the same result would occur. His electors and supporters would rid the country of all enemies of the nation.

All the Deep State can do is stall progress, and try as best they can to deceive the masses and make them opponents for the 2020 election. Should they get caught altering results of the next election, all hell would break lose, and they'd run for their lives.
Americans have woken up in droves.
This is partly why Trump was elected.
Americans are tired of Politicians with empty promises.
One only has to listen or read his inauguration speech to understand the depth and resolve of this man.
America has renewed hope, and will not let any enemies take it away.

Liberals, Socialists, Communists and Marxists, cannot bring America to accept their ideals (not yet).
This is why indoctrination of the young is so important to them. And in doing so, for the past 20 years, they did assure their success.
Yes, if young parents allow this indoctrination to flourish,  if they do not reeducate their young ones while this wave of redress for our Republic is taking place:

  • In less than a few decades, the overwhelming majority of the people will make this Republic another Socialist State of the New World Order.
  • Once Americans are dead or too old, Global Governance will happen.

Note: Had HRC not cheated the primaries, America would already be a Socialist State, and Bernie would have been President. Thank You HRC. Thank you DNC, your error of judgment backfired.

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