Sunday, December 19, 2021


by Unknown, Fwrd by J.P.


Is there is a connection between government, sorcery, and idolatry? 


Throughout the Bible, sorcerers serve the heads of state. Sorcerers served as advisors to Pharoah’s Court in Exodus 7:11, and Nebuchadnezzar’s Court in Babylon in Daniel 2:2. Both kingdoms were clearly idolatrous with kings who considered themselves gods to be worshipped.

Even in Israel, Samuel draws a direct line between the two while rebuking King Saul in 1 Samuel 15 stating that “rebellion is the same as divination (sorcery) and pride is the same as idolatry.” After Samuel’s death, King Saul, experiencing great fear against a formidable opponent, consulted a sorcerer to serve as a medium to contact Samuel for knowledge.

We know from Psalms 115 and 135 engaging in pride or trusting in idols dulls your spiritual senses and understanding, rendering you blind to the works of the One True God.

The Egyptian sorcerers (magicians) were eventually able to identify the finger of God at work, but helpless to stop His judgments once they were fully underway. Babylonian sorcerers could see the writing on the wall, but not discern it. Even religious leaders in Jesus’s day were unable to identify the finger of God at work, accusing Him of casting out demons by sorcery.

All three groups were caught by surprise when the Kingdom of God came upon them suddenly.

Malachi 3:5 warns that in the Coming Day of Judgment, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will be a swift witness to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, perjurers, those who defraud wages, oppress widows, oppress orphans, and deprive foreigners.

Is there a connection between sorcery and adultery? 


Sorcery is often paired with seduction and idolatry, resulting in illicit, immoral union or adultery, both physically and spiritually. Covenant language all throughout the Bible discusses the harlot bride who has strayed from her vows and faith in the one true living God by going after other gods she has not known. Spiritual adultery is the fruit of idolatry. 

In Revelation 2, Jesus warns 2 separate churches to repent from behaviors associated with sorcery, idolatry, and adultery.

Thyatira’s church faces very serious judgment for non-repentance with reflections back to the 10th Plague of Egypt or Babylon’s Humiliation in Isaiah 47 as children are struck dead. Pergamum’s church was located in the same city as the ancient world’s largest medical complex and school – The Asklepion (note that the writer of the blog linked here is not a Christian–she clearly explains the pagan rites of this “healing center”). Both churches are warned about the idolatry, sorcery, and immoral unions encouraged by Jezebel and Balaam – who instructed others to seduce God’s people to sin. Both churches are warned that they are at enmity with Him if they remain unrepentant.

What is pharmakeia and its associated profession? 

According to Strong’s Greek concordance, Pharmakos is related to the word pharmakon, defined as a composite of remedy, poison, and a scapegoat (human preferably, but also animals.) It is connected to the Greek word for plough, derived from words meaning to cut, pierce or scrape.

We know that the last days will be as in the Days of Noah. Interestingly, the name Noah means comfort and he is credited by rabbinical scholars for inventing the plow.

Pharmaceuticals often provide comfort from fear and symptoms associated with an illness or condition, but may not necessarily heal the root cause of the person’s medical condition no matter how many times symptoms are addressed.

Pharmakeia (Strong’s Greek 5331) appears in Galatians 5:20 regarding the acts of the flesh which include: sorcery, sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, and orgies. Walking by the Holy Spirit prevents us from gratifying works of the flesh.

(Pharmakeia also appears in Revelation 18 where it is revealed that Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and abominations on earth has deceived all of the nations with her sorceries (pharmakeia). All of the kings of the earth were immoral with her – again connecting heads of state with this particular sin.)

Pharmakeia is defined by Strong’s as “the use of medicine, drugs or spells, or the practice of administering drugs, drug-related sorcery, or the practice of magical arts.” In the Septuagint, we find this word used twice in Isaiah 47 again during the humiliation of Babylon as the prophet delivers a message from the Most High God that she would experience the loss of her children and become a widow in one day even if she takes her stand with her spells and sorceries. Isaiah exhorts her to continue in her ways because perhaps she will succeed or inspire terror (Isaiah 47:9Isaiah 47:12). Babylon is a god in her own eyes.

In that culture, the use of pharmakeia drugs also served as abortifacients, largely so the immoral sexual activity could continue without consequence and temple prostitutes could retain their figures. The use of such products are prohibited in the Didache, an early church document providing newly converting, formerly pagan Gentiles with the basics of faith in Christ.

Pharmakeus (Strong’s Greek 5332) is identified in Revelation 21:8 as an occupation within sorcery (pharmakon) identified as a “druggist or preparer of poisons.” There is religious fervor of strongly held beliefs included with this occupation.

The pharmakeus mixes together potions, drugs, or poisons to work magic to weave pseudo (false) supernatural stunts and illusions (deceptions). defines poison from a medical perspective as “ Any substance that can cause severe organ damage or death if ingested, breathed in, injected into the body or absorbed through the skin.” They go on to point out that many substances that normally cause no problems, including water and most vitamins, can be poisonous if taken in excessive quantity. Poisoning typically requires treatment to recover and is tailored as an antidote to the poison. First the poison, then the cure.

The individuals preparing, and using, these preparations often believe they have special spiritual powers that do not operate with scripture – such as the ability to end or extend life or heal.

The truth is only the One True God healsgives life, or takes it away.

Our medical gods can be found in modern medicine, alternative medicine, or even obsession with physical health above our spiritual health. It becomes idolatrous when we choose to give credit to any of those things for healing instead of the God who heals us.

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