Matthew 24:
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
What do those verses (words of Jesus Christ) mean?
Do they mean that all will be hunky-dory?
NO, because the days of Noah were not a walk in the park for mankind.
Giants, monsters, and all kinds of horrific creatures were roaming the earth in those days. Hence God's flood to kill all flesh, because "all flesh was corrupt". Yes, the fallen ones made a mess of God's Creation.
Want more insight? Read Greek Mythology, to learn of all the monsters that existed then. The Greeks are descendants of Japheth, son of Noah. They did not write science fiction books to make money and better their careers. They were simply recording for prosperity, the accounts and stories their patriarch Noah and his sons shared about life before the flood: "The days of Noah".
Does this mean the fallen ones will repeat their wickedness?
Yes, they already have started. They know about the end of the 'Age of Grace', and the beginning of the Millennium 'Kingdom of God'. Our Lord and King Jesus Christ is about to take and rule his Kingdom on Earth. 6,000 years are up.
Too many of us have selective reading and understanding. The above verses clearly mention the 'days of Noah' (days of corruption and wickedness).
I don't know if the fallen angels have already been released, but I do know that a tenth of them were never bound, and have been roaming the Earth to this day. (Book of Jubilees chapter 10)
I do know that Satan and his fallen angels have the ability to appear as humans. (examples: Book of Jasher chapter 23; Bible in quite a accounts, angels lead away Lot and his family from Sodom)
Were there Giants after the flood? Let's name a few: Nimrod; Goliath and his brother; those that lived in the land of Canaan; Og king of Bashan...
Does it confirm fallen angels procreated again with women? YES.
Why do we fail to understand the world we live in and it's history?
Lack of curiosity? Lack of critical thinking? to stay in our comfort zone?
I have a question for Bible readers. Those who refuse to read any other books than the Bible.
Why did God allow Satan to hurt Job and kill his family?
Job did nothing wrong? Read Jasher chapter 66.
Want more clarity of what the fallen ones did prior to the flood? Read the Book of Enoch.
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