Thursday, January 23, 2025

Behold! Momentary Closure of Testimony, Convergence, and Separation

Behold! I, Yeshua HaMashiach, do come to tell my Church, my body, and even my bride of things that are about to come upon the earth. Even so that you may understand the meaning of things about to occur, and that you are not blinded to their significance. Because, the fallen ones do seek to lead all astray with their delusional lies and the earth you have known is being altered from the earth you once knew and is no longer the same and will continue to be altered from its previous arrangement set in place since the flood of Noah.
Behold! As in the days of Noah, so shall the earth become once again so that full judgment may crash fully on the fallen ones own heads and on the earth itself and a final call to righteousness will now sound across the earth in great judgment and wrath that is set to fall so suddenly now.... (Transcript)

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