Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My Message to Young Men and Women

Again I will say on behalf of your elders: "I am Sorry". 

This is not the first time I say this.

We are Sorry, We failed you

2019 and 2020 were dreadful years. 2021 turned out worse, and 2022 looks to get even worse. 
Because your elders for their sake, for fear dying have applauded the Restrictions, believed all the Propaganda and trusted Governments and the Medical system. 
The Medical apparatus has become largely controlled by Big Pharma who only seeks to make Big Money. 
Big Pharma is controlled by Global Elites who went as far as advocating Population Reduction under the guise of many things: Global Warming; Climate Change; Food Supply; Pollution; etc...

Here is what I have to say

Stop listening to Main Stream Media Propaganda!  Stop being in fear!  Stop Obeying!
Instead, live your lives, because the years you are giving away will not come back.

Who has died from this Man Made Virus?
Yes, it was man made. The purpose I'll say later.  I'm no doctor, but those who have died from it were already sick, or old, or unhealthy, or immune deficient. 

Even I, at 63 years old, a life time smoker with the inability to exercise properly for the past 7 years, because of sports injuries, yes, I got the virus, I got really sick.  I couldn't sleep for 4 nights. I was coughing so much that ribs hurt. I started with sneezing, then head ache, followed by fever, and cough. Never in my life was I so sick. I self medicated, with what I had on hand: vitamin C, D, and ginger. Sprayed my throat and nose with Colloidal Silver. And no, I did not go to a hospital, nor to see a doctor. I had heard of their terrible protocols. On the 5th day the cough slowed and I was able to sleep. It did take me another week until I felt whole again. Lucky me, I always have a minimum of food and water, and didn't have to get out. No, I didn't want to infect any one.  Forward to today, I don't feel the need to social distance, I don't wear a mask, and NO, I am not vaxxed, and will not for any reason.
If there is something I fear, it's those shots. If you browse this site, you'll understand why.

Again, I am not a doctor, but many of them that are silenced and censored say it.

Live your LIFE! Do not get the jab...
Spend plenty of time Outdoors, exercise, play sports, stay mentally healthy, by having friends and socializing. Don't let depression ruin your body. One can die just from depression, without the help of a virus.

A healthy mind breeds a healthy body and visa versa!

If your mind and body are healthy, and you are young, that virus will not harm you. The jab however is likely to harm you.  Many doctors are trying to expose this genocide.  Some say, that everyone who did get this jab will see their immune system decline, almost as if they are HIV positive.
Don't listen to your elders, they are only thinking of them selves. Had they done as much research on this thing, as they would have when buying a big screen TV, they'd understand.  But unfortunately, they are so used to TV news that they just trust what is said by Media 'sponsored by Big Pharma'.  I forgot, they don't know that, even though it says sponsored by xx before the programing.

What are the Goals of the Elites?

Rule the World and be your Masters.  Gain the right to control you, your family, and your children, just like slaves, even like cattle.  But to do that they people disarmed and docile. And they need the slave population to be under 500 millions. The lesser the number the easier to control. Now We are too many and some are armed and dangerous.

So, the same Elites who financed viruses through 'Gain of Function', claim they want to save lives? Let's be logical, and think for ourselves.

Now, I'm not going to bother you by saying they are evil or are controlled by evil entities... Just be logic.

If they could go back to Medieval times with their fortunes and today's technology for themselves, they would. Since they can't, they'll bring back Medieval times.

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