Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The DOD and the IC have Become Tools of the WEF


The US Constitution was enumerating the powers of the Federal Government. The Bill of Rights set aside the Rights of People that NO government could infringe upon. The Declaration of Independance stated the Role of government. A very specific purpose, to defend People's Unalienable Rights.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

It was a general purpose of government, that applied first and foremost to The People of The United States of America, but also to 'MEN', the human race. It did NOT exclude those rights from other Nations.
The USA started off as a Beacon of Liberty, and was seen as such by Nations around the World.
The USA was a model of the strength and determination of it's people. And the capability of it's Armed forces were no joke even before the ever improving weapons technology. Sheer determination gave the enemies of the USA a sour taste. After the most powerful military on Earth was defeated, not once, but twice by the USA, even Islamic Pirates were faced with that determination, when Thomas Jefferson sent the 'Leathernecks' to destroy their ships in Tripoli.

Fast forward to the 20th Century

Two World Wars plagued the world. Their purpose is still a debate. Wars for the Bankers or Bankers Wars?
Interestingly 1913 was the year the Bankers got their Crown, with their creation of the 'US Federal Reserve'.
1914 The first World War, 1939 the 2nd World War, with the culmination of the first Nuclear bombs strikes by the USA to deter any further resistance of Japan.
And after that we were slapped by a most deceptive Century.
The Rothschild family bought Israel from the British for the previously persecuted Jews.
This should have been a WAKE UP call, that a family could literally buy a Nation. But people saw it as a good gesture, and never questioned the ramification that a family had the means to do that.

The Most Deceptive Century

2001 was the start of unlimited Government Powers. Exactly what the coalition of The 5 Eyes were meant for.  As if it had been scripted.
Or was it?
Fast forward to 2022. 'The Great Reset' of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
"You will own nothing and you will be happy"
The 5 Eyes are being taken down one at a time. Liberty threatenned at every turn. Australia, New Zealand have fallen. Canada, UK in turmoil. Some states in the USA are literally oposing the Federal Government's Agenda.
The answer: The Drums of War!
Russia, the country We should befriend, is now ennemy number one, never mind China who's set out to become the example of the One World Government. They have perfected the Social Credit Score to be implemented worldwide. We already are on the way to Digital Identification, and there has been talk of a Digital Currency to become the vouchers for the things you can get. (Notice I said you can get, and not buy, since you will own nothing and will be happy.)
One World Government and The Great Reset surprise you? Don't be, they told us about it already a few years back.
'They' first called it the New World Order.

They warned us. Eisenhower and Kennedy warned us. Papa Bush blatantly told us.
Klaus Schwaub, the face of the WEF is telling us, and brags on how the WEF has infiltrated most governments.
Has the DOD been doing the biddings of the Nation if belongs to?
Certainly not. With the Afghanistan debacle, Biden has shown us his allegiance. He delivered weapons to the Taliban, and now China is moving in to help the Taliban 'military'. Yes, the Taliban has now more helicopters than the UK.
But Biden steers us into a war with Russia. Why? Well the mandates didn't work so well in the US, so a more drastic approach needs to be undertaken. The US military will be sacrificed to the Russia-China alliance. The economy will totaly be destroyed by this war. The USA will be seriously weakenned. Who knows, it may turn us back to the horse and buggy times.
What of the Intel Agencies? They have been working tirelessly to undermine any Liberty they can put their hands on. And the People do nothing, We will become slaves to the Government. Government that will obey the dictates of the Klaus Schwaubs and the WEF.
2030 is their deadline. The Dealine for implementation of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
The UN started with Agenda 21, and that Agenda is by 2030.

And when did this orchestrated mess start? September 11th 2001

Then comes a manufactured virus. The Wuhan Lab of China (still doing Gain of Function), financed by NIH and NAID (under Fauci) and the DOD through EcoHealth Alliance.

The US military has unfortunately been very scrutinized and vaccinated. They will likely keel over when confronted with the stress of war, just as athletes all over the world do.

The US military is left mostly with yes men, that don't even know what oath they took. Or maybe they took a different oath than their predecessors.

What the US military should do is Liberate Australia and New Zealand, and assist our neighbors to the North (Canada) in dealing with the tyranny of the Trudeau cabinet (I call him Trouducul. Those who understand French get it.)

Signing Off.

It comes as an after thought, but I've been somewhat vocal about this on Twitter: US military should Liberate the Political prisonners in the D.C. prison before any other undertaking. Yes, the Rogue government is an ennemy of We The People.

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