Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Cancel Idiots at it Again - Yuri Gagarin

Cancel culture at it again

This time it's the 'Space Cadets' getting into 'Cancel Culture'. Are they going to cancel Russian Ballet performances too?

Yuri Gagarin, the first person to journey to 'outer space', has had his name removed from a fundraising event amid Russia's aggression towards Ukraine.
The US-based nonprofit Space Foundation announced on its website in a now-deleted note: "In light of current world events, the 2022 Space Foundation Yuri's Night is renamed 'A Celebration of Space.

April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the first shuttle mission. On that day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, on the way to the launch pad) became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Newspapers like The Huntsville Times (right) trumpeted Gagarin's accomplishment.

When I was a kid I collected all the articles and memorablia concerning space. Today, I couldn't care less, and you know why: I changed. I got smarter and more inquisitive.
I do however care about recorded history. Wheather it's a recorded truth or a lie, I think it should remain so our children's children will be able to make their own appraisals.
Removing history because of a temprary conflict is downright childish.
When they tore down the statue of Sadam Hussain it was wrong. They should have removed it and stored it for future Iraqi generations.

The past is the past, it cannot be changed, regardless of the outcome, and some things should not be forgotten.

Here's a story. In the 70's they said there would be hotels on the Moon in 30 years. Did they Lie?

You be the judge. Yeah, history is such a ball breaker.

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