Wednesday, March 2, 2022

On the Ukraine War

Blackstone Intelligence: My Views on the Ukraine War


"Just to recap my position on this.
I love the people of ukraine. I love the people of russia. Love the people of Donbas.
More than anything I empathize with the children of all of the Donbas and of Ukraine who are going through the terror of war.
The people, the kids and Donbas have gone, been going through it for a lot longer than the the kids and the rest of Ukraine. But who cares. To the child hearing the bombs going off, to the the child hearing the the aerial artillery shrapnel hitting their apartment buildings, they don't care who's been terrorized longer that is who i care about.

Minsk Agreement

I want this to end as fast as possible. I understand the legitimate security concerns of Russia. I think that had Vladimir Putin gone in secured the Donbas region put russian troops and said, hey they seceded years ago. I now recognize their political legitimacy and they have invited Russians in so we're going to go in, and we're going to put some bases in there, and we're not going to let Ukraine take, retake this territory, and we're going to use this as a buffer zone.
Okay fine, maybe, but a full invasion of Kiev to go in and try and change the regime. Not when you've got the west in control of zelensky and convincing the people to stand and fight against the the russians. It's gonna be bad. It's gonna go bad, and i'm irate at my government for egging this on, for encouraging this.
Pisses me off!
I want to see a return to diplomacy. I want the people, I want Zielinski and Putin to negotiate directly with each other. I know that they.. that's not typically how it's done. You've got your people and they meet, and whatever. But given how immediate the problem is...
They're in kiev. They need to talk. Zolensky needs to give up a lot of concessions in the area of Russian security.

Putin needs to understand that if he tries, if he turns on, if this becomes any kind of guerrilla warfare situation, if he decides he's going to do like he did in Syria and say well you know, they took up arms they're fair game, uh, and it's it's going to be a bloody horrible mess.
Russia is already reeling economically they're suffering, um, you know they're on the verge of collapse the ruble has collapsed their stock market is closed, they're not even trading. The central bank can't give away rubles nobody in the world is taking them.
Think through what the next steps are. Here the West can keep this up, but what do you think is going to happen if Russia is starting to collapse economically. They're going to turn to China. China and russia have got, uh, a lot of deals together especially when it comes to the the BRICS nations. You know the economic block Brazil, Russia, India, China, South africa. They've got their own. They've got their own kind of version of the IMF and world bank they've got their..

China has already, the spokesman for the ministry of foreign affairs, the foreign ministry of China has said this week China believes that the party most responsible for the conflict in Ukraine right now is the United States. This is the official government statement of China.

The problem is the agitation by the United States trying to cause Zelensky and Ukraine to be recalcitrant, and not negotiating good faith on Russia's legitimate concerns.
If we have something, for example, like, Putin starts hitting civilians, and one of these NATO states says well you know we can't stand by and let this happen. We're going to join in and help out especially if Belarus comes in and gets involved. Like this, we're gonna have World War.
That's how all, World War One, World War Two... It starts out you've got the friction, you've got the two main parties fighting and then you get someone else in. And then someone declares war on them. And Bam, all of the alliances, all of the military packs, bam bam bam, like dominoes falling, World War.
Since putin has already threatened to use nukes the west or specifically the united states do you do you think, that, uh, if they get into it. You think the United States isn't gonna be willing to nuke, uh, nuke them first. I mean we've got a policy of a preemptive defense. This could go bad.

Nobody wants nuclear war. I don't believe putin wants it, but in a country like Russia where the men are, you know, you've got this, you know, macho man kind of you know, this Slavic tough guy. They don't screw around. They're not like the soft western whatever, who talk tough and then when somebody gets in their face, they're like, oh you know sorry you know i was just talking, i was just talking that's not how they do it.
So, it could go bad. And that's why i want to see an immediate de-escalation, and the only way. Putin's not going to be like, you know guys i changed my mind, i kind of put all my i put all my chips on red, spin the wheel, and you know what, after all i'm not interested in this, i'm just gonna.. We're suffering some economic collapse troubles, you guys win, the west wins. I want to go in down in the history books as the guy who cucked out and, you know, let's let the west beat me economically beat my military with your economic sanctions.
You think he's gonna do that?

Of course not!
He's gonna stay with this to the bitter end. So, we need to be the adults at the table here. We need to say it is not worth the cost of civilian lives in Ukraine. It is not worth the risk of world war three especially when he's got some legitimate grievances. We don't have to agree to everything. We don't have to concede to everything, but we can find some common ground. We can recognize his legitimate grievances, try and deal with that in good faith which we have not done up until this point. We can pull back on this nuclear economic bomb we've dropped on Russia, give them some breathing room.
Some good could come out of this in the end, you know, well after the fact.
But right now we've got maniacs in control. We have idiots and maniacs. The most stupid strategically stupid elements of america are in charge of our foreign policy, are in charge of our white house, and don't tell me it's just Biden if Trump was in there i don't think it'd be any bet. Well, it'd be different there'd be different situation, but trump's not smart, he's an opportunist.
Whether it's bush junior, obama whoever we have, you can take the head of state out and replace it you notice how nothing ever changes? Oh well, you know this Trump sucks let's put Biden in. All right guess what, everything sucks. Still we're doing the same stupid thing. Put somebody else in, oh, guess what it's gonna be better. Oh it still sucks, huh. We're doing the same things again.

Guys it's been going on for decade after decade. The problem is we have a permanent, I hesitate to call a Deep State, because it's so, you know tinged with uh, you know, i want to call it the Deep State, but we have this fourth branch of government which consists primarily of a rogue State Department apparatus where you have people from the Council on Foreign Relations which is the policy writing arm of the New World Order.

new world order being the elite globalists wealthy oligarchs who are invested heavily into corporations the military war industry corporation so you've got the oligarchs you've got the uh the bankers the central bankers

1 comment:

  1. Ukraine still has their power and communications on... the normal first to go out in any invasion.
    Food is still getting delivered, Elon Musk just shipped a semi load of Satellite internet connections into the country.
    Older citizens are waving Russian flags.
    11 bioweapons labs were totally destroyed.
    Billions of dollars of missiles and other military ordinance were destroyed.
    Soros run money laundering centers were destroyed.
    GLOBALISTS are not getting their bribes and kickbacks... THAY IS WHAT THE SCREAMING IS ABOUT.
    Fake news organizations are not getting their money from Soros.
    Russia is collecting tons of information from all those operations since most communications still run through Russian telecom services.

    The New World Order just took a massive hit to their operations and the information gleaned will be broadcast to the world... REAL SOON... ( after the fake destruction from games and the middle east are shown to be lies )
