Sunday, May 12, 2024

Alien Deception - the 144000 - Fallen Angels

Tracy: "Word from Abba Father in answer to my prayer regarding the 'alien deception' and it's relevance to us as the 144,000 and our God's manifested sons and daughters. Please take all words to our Lord in your own prayer time for confirmation."

2 THES 2:9 : GAL 5:19-20 : ZECH 11:17 : JOB 13:4 : PSA 91:2, 96:5, 106:37
ECC 1:2 : DEUT 10:17, 32:17 : LEV 17:7 : 1COR 8:4-6, 10:19-21 : JER 51:7
JUDE 1:6, 1:13 : JOHN 8:44 : GEN 11:1-9 : 1PET 5:8 : ROM 8:18-21
LUKE 10:19 : REV 3:5, 6:13, 12:4, 13:8, 14(ALL), 17:8, 18:2

My comments

I am not surprised that the enemy, aka Satan; the Fallen Angels; and their minions, will be using the 'Alien deception' to turn people away from God, and win their souls against the Creator. From the beginning of time they have hated humans (God's favorite creation). From the deception of Eve, to the Fallen Angels seducing women and the daughters of men, giving birth to hybrid human/angels, they have tried their best to corrupt humanity. They did so because they hate God's love for his children. They were created first, and God turned his attention to man, with love and compassion, regardless of their sins and in some cases, of their wickedness. Didn't God forgive the Hebrews, the Israelites, as long as they turned back to him?
I think the governments of the world will call the 144000 'bad aliens', and the Fallen Angels 'good aliens'. The fallen angels will once more have children from women. And those children will grow fast, too fast, too big, too tall, in time to wreck havoc on those who will remain on the Earth, after Jesus Christ takes away his children.
The Great Tribulations are said to last 7 years in 2 parts. The first 3 1/2 years God will use to select his children, after that will be his wrath.
The Fallen Angels have already returned. The 144000 are in the process of being Sealed, and it will be done by the end of November. After that they will preach the Gospel throughout the World.
So, be ready to be deceived or saved. The time is short.

I my self, have been too much of sinner, and I often pray for the Lord to have mercy on me, and help me sin no more.

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