Monday, May 27, 2024

Great Tribulations about to Start

I am more convinced than ever, that December 2024 is the beginning to The Great Tribulations. Every single prophet or believer and follower of God the Creator and his Son Jesus Christ, are pointing to the same 'SOON'.
We in the USA are for now shielded by the horrors of wars due to the Atlantic and Pacific setting a buffer zone. We hear and or see, the wars, in Eastern Europe, in the Middle East, in Africa... But those wars will reach the mainland eventually. Are We not the instigators of that destruction? For those who don't know because they only listen to MSM implementing 'Operation Mocking Bird', ordained by the CIA: Ukraine started in 2014 by our state department and CIA. Israel/Palestine, we supply the bombs that kill children. The Pentagon wants war with China. In Africa we overthrow governments.
'One Nation under God' has been removed, and the wrath of God will be on us soon, be it the enemies we made abroad, or by those within. Both will strike.
Over 50% of Americans are feeling the horrendous policies of those who rule us, yes they rule us, all 3 millions of them. And soon all will feel it, albeit the Elites until God's wrath.
The World is in tribulations, but The Great Tribulations haven't started yet. The wars will make most countries partake. It'll go Global.
Remember this: "they can kill the flesh, but not the spirit".
Yes, Satans minions are working very hard to destroy Gods Creation. But they will not succeed. Great Tribulations don't mean the end of World, only the End of the World as we know it.
The End of the Age of Grace (brought to us by Jesus Christ), and the start of the Kingdom of God. King Jesus Christ will rule the World, and his Elect will be his Princes. Amen.
The Evil doers, the Wicked, the Murderers, the unbelievers, will all be removed, for an age of peace. 1,000 years!

Dream of an almost unreadable page.

This dream pointed to a future date of December 2024.

Other Posts referencing Scriptures

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