Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Lost, The Chosen, My 144,000

SCRIPTURES Luke 8:17; Luke 12:1-5; Revelation 7, 13, 14:1-5; Psalm 91; Exodus 23:25; 1 Corinthians 10:31;
1 Peter 2:9; John 16:33; Matthew 24; Luke 22:19-20;
Matthew 6:17; Exodus 30:25-30; James 5:13-15; John 14:12; Matthew 10

"First Installment" for the 144,000: PENTECOST: WORD FROM YESHUA HA MASHIACH (21st Mar 01:30)

word from our Abba, in answer to a prayer, asking our God what communion means to Him and how we are to take it. It has also been laid on my heart to share a fellow sister-in-Christ, Jenea, and her channel called 'Strait and Narrow', for she has been directed by the Lord to start a channel and she has started to share the words our Lord gives her. So please support a fellow sister-in-Christ, but most importantly support the Lord in getting His words out to masses. Please take all words to the Lord in your own prayer time for confirmation.

SCRIPTURES; 1COR 10:16-17, 10:21, 11:26-28 : PSA 46:10 : LUKE 22:19-20 : JOHN 6:35 : ACTS 2:42 MATT 4:4 : ROM 12:1 : HEB 7:27 : ACTS 2:1-4

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