My God is the Creator of All things.
He created the Son of Man; the Angels of Heaven; and Adam and Eve.
He is the God of Enoch; Noah; Abraham; Isaac; and Ishmael.
He is the God of of Jacob, but not of Esau.
He sent his Son incarnated in human form, Jesus Christ, The Son of Man, as the Angels and Enoch call him, to experience, preach, suffer, and Die for our Sins.(As Isaiah prophesied)
Ever since, blood sacrifices are, not only unnecessary, but despised by God.
Jesus Christ (Son of Man) is not the only incarnation in human form we know of.
The fallen angels did it, and still do it.
Angels are sent by God as holy messengers, from time to time.
Satan is known to have done it, and still does it.
As for reincarnation, there is one example we know of: John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.
The power, glory, justice, and mercy of our Almighty God is beyond imagination.
And Testimonies
Dec. 9th 2024 (posted on facebook)
Testimony (those who know me have seen me struggle for over 10 years)
Do you believe in miracles?
I do. I've had 6 arthroscopic surgeries on my knees (3 each).
My right anterior cruciate was snapped, the left like a loose rubber band. After the last surgery in 2011, the surgeon told me to wait a little and then get knee replacements. Never did, yet my knees are fully functional, don't crack, don't ache when it's cold.
Thank you for restoring me Lord Jesus!
Yes, I've just put away the cane. I waited to see how cold weather would affect me. It doesn't.
Further more, I was diagnosed with fat liver, bad liver enzymes, High Cholesterol, mild diabetes, high blood pressure. Only took the High blood pressure medicine, none of the others (trash can). Last blood test, the doctor was surprised: liver enzymes fine; Cholesterol fine; diabetes fine; blood pressure fine. I might stop the blood pressure medicine.
My last knee re-injury was in 2011. Until last winter, the cane was a must. So what happened in 2024? I started to praise God daily. I obeyed all 10 commandments (including observing Shabbat). I repented of all my sins (except 1, smoking), and did them no more. I started (since March) to fast one day a week. I observe the law including Leviticus 11 and if I'm attentive enough Lev 23 (using the Zadok calendar). What I now need to do is stop desecrating my body with smoking, and repent of it. Then maybe, the Holy Spirit will abide in me and speak to me?
May 2021 (Covid)
The pandemic started in 2020. Florida's laws concerning it were more relaxed than in most other states.
I would often go out without wearing a mask, and even in places that allowed people without masks.
So eventually, I got sick. In May, I spent 5 days and 4 nights, more sick than I had ever been. I was 64 at the time, not the age group with the better immune system.
It started with caughing and seezing on the 1st day. Then at night I was feaverish, and caughing so much that my ribs hurt.
I couldn't sleep. As soon as laid down, I couldn't breathe. So I sat on my coach all night. Every time I fell asleep, I'd wake up gasping for air.
I lived alone. No way I was going to a hospital (I had heard how they dealt with people with the virus).
I had vitamin C, and D on hand, and Ginger. I prayed to the Lord, and asked him if it was my time to go, if it was his will, I was Ok with it. Praised by saying that I trusted him.
The 4th night ended and I fell asleep early morning, and woke up a few hours later.
My ribs still hurt, but I wasn't caughing, and my breathing was fine. I thanked God for allowing me to live a little longer. Now, it did take me almost 2 months to recover a normal sense of taste and smell.
I never took their shot, and never got this sickeness again so far. I trust God, and not men.
I've always been reckless, and was sucker of adranaline rush, from childhood until my mid 50's.
I can't enumerate the number of times I could have died. But, I guess God didn't want me dead yet.
My favorite Psalms:
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