Saturday, March 17, 2018

Agriculture Defense Coalition - Rosalind Peterson

Agriculture Defense Coalition 

Rosalind Peterson Presentation Transcript

"Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Chairman.
It is a pleasure to be with you today.
One of the things that I would like to say, is that we are at a Global drumbeat right at the moment talking about climate change and global warming.
One of the things that is affected by climate change is agriculture.
But, some of what we are seeing is man made, but man made in a different way that you may guess.

Weather modification programs, experimental ones, done by private companies, then by United States government, then by states across the United States, are under way, there is more than 50 of them in operation across the United States.
All of these impact agriculture, because they change the microclimate needed for agriculture to survive.
None of these programs that I know of today, this is all public record, are available at any time with oversight, agriculture oversight or a public oversight.
These programs impact agriculture. And there are programs around the world, international corporations are modifying our weather all the time. They are modifying it, in ways that cover thousands and thousands of square miles.
Most of it is chemically altered. So, what happens is that we are putting chemical, ground based chemicals, that are shot into the air, or chemicals coming from airplanes, that change and modify our weather.
So one of thing I'm concerned about and that we need to address in the future, is how these programs are impacting microclimates needed for our crops to survive, and needed for pollination.

If we change the growing seasons, the pollinators may not survive, and also our crops, our flowers, our tree crops, may not get the pollination needed.
So, one of my areas, is looking at the situation, to see if we can begin to put under control experimental and other types of weather modification programs.
The other issue, is that a lot of times we are talking about mitigation for climate change. It's rather an undefined term at this period of time. And so, what happens is that many times we are talking about, artificially putting chemicals like sulfur, or particulates into the atmosphere, in what they call a GeoEngineering, seems to reduce and help the planet, supposedly. But help the planet to not go through such a tremendous global climate change, and to mitigate global warming.
However, the incidence of putting chemicals into the atmosphere is going to change and impact agricultural crops production.
And if you take and you put up into our skies chemicals to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth, you are going to begin to reduce crop production. That is at the university of Illinois on corn crop production, show reduction.
Without the process of photosynthesis, whereby plants from direct sunlight gain the energy to grow, to produce crops, we are going to find ourselves, if we mitigate in that direction, impacting the crop production, not only here in the United States, but world wide.
One of the things that is impacting crop production, right now in the United States, and reducing photosynthesis, and also impacting the ability of solar power panels, to generate the type of power that they should, is persistent jet contrails.
NASA talks about persistent jet contrails, as exacerbating global warning, because they trap warmth in the atmosphere when they produce cirrus and man made clouds.
NASA also talks about, that when we, that these aircrafts leaving persistent contrails are changing our climate.

And when they change our climate to the degree, that one jet can leave a persistent jet contrail, which will spread across our skies, from what this picture on my left on the screen looks like, which is a trail left by a jet, that trail can expand to four thousand kilometers and last for twenty hours.
This was unheard of in the early 60's and the 70's, and it wasn't until the late 1980's, that there was a change, and that we started to have persistent contrails, that persist.
NASA study show that part of our global warming problem, is attributed to these types of contrails, and the jets that leave them.
So, one of the issues, as we go through, is: How do you like your skies, natural or man made?

Right now we are making man made clouds, and this is trapping warmth in the atmosphere.
The climate change that is produced by these jets, not all jets, mostly some non commercial.
But what happens to our skies is, that we start to see the changes, that man made clouds do trap the warmth, and they increase the humidity.
This allows for pest to proliferate, diseases, molds, mildews, funguses and viruses.
This is a man made cloud, Ladies and Gentlemen. And these pictures, I took my self, over Northern California. And this is a burst, this where a jet left a puffed huge plume, and then it turned, at the end of it, to a burst.
Not normal, never seen before in our county, historically, and I was born and raised there.
This is another picture showing the jet trail just before the burst.
This is our skies, and I want you know, that what we are seeing now, a lot of times, many scientists know, that the clouds we are seeing, are not normal cloud formations. These are man made.
And what happens, as we reduce the amount of sunlight, in a form of global dimming, we reduce the solar power with these typeof clouds, and we reduce photosynthesis, which is going to impact agriculture.

The pictures look odd, the formations don't look like something people have seen before historically.
This is another type of man made cloud, and what we have done and what you are seeing here is that we have photographs from the time when the jet leaves the first trail, as the jet leaves, to when they form into these different types of cloud formations.
All of you can start looking up and see this.
What happens is, that there are experiments, and there is a color, you can see some color in this photograph. And part of what we are doing also is sending up canisters, the United States government, NASA, the US Air Force, they're sending up canisters into the atmosphere filled with chemicals, to modify and experiment with our ionosphere. And when we modify and experiment with our ionosphere, up here, we create experiments which they can see through these persistent jet contrails, as they stay in the sky for long periods of time. And, they can watch the experiments.

The type of chemicals they are using, are aluminum, bariums, strontium. And these canisters are sent up on rockets, and what they do is superheat the canisters to create experiments in our atmosphere. The experiments can give you colorful auroras which they talk about as being wonderful. Many times people think that the auroras in Alaska and the ones we see are normal. But they are beginning to be seen more and more across the United States and elsewhere, where aluminum, trimethylaluminium experiments to make clouds, are beginning to impact us.
The reason I am concerned for agriculture, is that none of these experiments have any public oversight, nor agricultural oversight. Our drinking water is impacted because the chemicals are beginning to show-up in our drinking water.
In California, the state department of health drinking water tests were examined between 1970, and this year, and we find unusual spiking in barium, aluminum, strontium, magnesium, calcium, manganese. And all of these spike at the same time in various drinking water supply across the state of California, and also in Arizona.

But, what's happening with these atmospheric tests, is that aluminum, as one example gets into, with increased pollution and acid rain, gets into the root system of our crop trees, and other tress, and it looks like the trees are dying of drought.
But they're not. What happens is that the root system can no longer absorb the water and the nutrients needed to survive.
Many of our forests in Reading California and other areas are dying. The Oak trees, the Red Wood trees, the Douglas Fur, across the United States in many areas, we believe those trees are impacted because they cannot absorb enough water, because aluminum is going into their root systems.
Also, molds, mildew, and fungus, from warmer temperatures produced by jet contrails, are also allowing pests and molds to proliferate. Also impacting tree health, and crop health.
The skies that you see up here, it is important to note, have a white haze to them. When crossing the United States, two days ago, we saw this man made produce haze, all the way across the United States. There were few real clouds. We saw the persistent contrails from the jet windows. And the skies, and the white haze looked a lot like this.

So, one of the things we need to really look at, is that jet fuel emissions, contaminate our air much as automobile exhausts. They know from scientific studies back in the 1970's that they deplete beneficial ozone in the atmosphere by releasing nitric acid.
So, one of things that we need to look at, is just jet fuel, and just the emissions from jets as well.

I want to go on, and talk briefly about a couple of issues here, that I think are important for everyone to realize. If we don't look at the problems we are creating, the atmospheric testing programs, the jet... Another words the jet contrails that are warming our climate, and we say to our selves, we want to GeoEngineer something else, we want to add more particulates to help global warming, or to stop climate change. What we are going to have, is we are going to have a pea soup up there of chemicals, which are going to be detrimental to our health.
It is much better to take the EPA model of the 1970's, where the Environmental Protection Agency was designed to put in regulations to reduce pollution at it's source, to reduce and put caps on, how much pollution, corporations, cars, automobiles, were putting into the atmosphere.
One of the thing we are talking about, is mitigation, is to go into GeoEngineering plans which add more chemicals into our atmosphere, which are going to get into our water supply, which are going to get into our soil, which are going to impact our trees. Our trees across the United States, many of them, in many areas, especially in Mendocino, Lake, and Sonoma county, are dying. They are not healthy as they used to be.
And this problem, having travelled across the United States, into some other areas, seeing the pictures coming in, from across the United States and other countries, we're finding that there is beginning to be an impact from all of these programs and all the chemicals in our skies.
And so, one other thing we need to think about and work for, is reducing pollution. Allen Buckman from California state department of Fish and Game, talks about microbes and their importance to the environment. We have at our disposal already some technologies to begin to make the planet more healthy, to put into a different perspective... But, if we go to the GeoEngineering schemes, that are waiting in the wings, thousands of them, to put the particulates up and sulfur, then we are going to be in trouble for agriculture, in the United States, and around the world.
It is time that we look at some different solutions that are already here. And it's time we look at what is happening in our skies, and say: "we don't need to put anymore chemicals, we are doing enough".
And what those experiments in our skies are doing without experiencing and testing, we don't know, but the chemicals are showing up in our drinking water.

So, in closing I would like to say, to all of you, encourage you to know that just what I showed you today is beginning to impact crop production in the United States, and we are seeing higher UV radiation, that is burning the tips of our trees and our plants. We see the molds, mildews growing here. We see all of this, and we hope that all of you, will consider before you think of mitigation, and just go forward with some of the plans that are being sold to you, as almost a cap and trade situation, where a corporation like Blancos decides to put iron dust into the Galapagos island area, this is a proposal, they have already started, and to create algae blooms. And, yes, they are saying, we are going to help the environment .........."

Not sure when this presentation was made, but it is probably at least a decade old.
And I think, it's already too late for us to wake up.
It's spilled milk.
Not need to make a fuss about it.

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