Monday, May 28, 2018

Fitness and diet related to prepping

If you are like most American's, you are probably not as physically active as you should be. Your diet is probably not that great either. As preppers, one of the most overlooked things we have is our own bodies. American's in general are less active now then we were years ago. Our diet has become an overabundance in calories and lower in nutrients. According to the CDC, 40% of American's are obese and 70% are overweight or obese. These are startling numbers and as preppers, we need to take better care of ourselves. If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.

When it comes to physical activity, you don't need a gym membership or any fancy equipment to stay active. Going for a walk or run several days a week will help. Try to work all parts of your body to stay in shape. Do simple things like push-ups, crunches and cardio activities. One book I use as a reference for workouts is Special Ops Fitness Training by Mark De Lisle. This book can be ordered on Amazon at You don't have to meet the same standards as those in the special forces, but this book will give you an idea of what the workouts are and how to do them properly.

When it comes to diet, we need to focus more on raw foods such as fruits and vegetables in our diets. This is great for preppers since we can grow these in most cases. The foods we need to eliminate from our diets include soda, processed sugars (candy and such) and processed meats. Water is the best thing to drink in place of soda. Most people will probably see weight loss just by removing red meats from their diet. We also need to control the food portions that we eat. At many restaurants and even in our homes, we eat too much in one sitting. This contributes to weight gain and will later lead to other problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A great website to check out balanced diets can be found at Fast food is another item we need to remove from our diets. Most contain chemicals and are unhealthy in general to eat.

If you are just getting into prepping or have been doing so for some time, take the time to take care of your own body. Getting in shape does not happen overnight. We all know that something will happen sooner or later and the time to take care of our own bodies is now before it's too late. Get active in any way that you can and eat healthier food. In the long run it will pay off.

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